Saturday, February 23, 2008


Well, we did have one more ride before the snow started to fly last year. It was November 11th, 2007...

We left around noon today from our house- destination Backbone State Park. It was overcast, and in the 60s- a good day for riding. We headed up to Walker, then Independence, and that's when the trouble began. Mikey's ride shut down just inside the city limits of Independence. It appeared to be a wiring issue, like the last time. A rewire was done, and off we went again. We got about two miles outside of town, and Mikey broke down again. It was decided after much discussion, that it was probably the battery. I called around, and found an Advanced Auto that had a battery that might work. Mike and I headed into town to get it. Bad part was it had to charge for about 40 min. The good part was that when we got back and put the new battery in, Mikey's bike ran great! We decided to turn around and head home since it gets dark early now. We may still get one last ride before the snow flies- who knows with Iowa weather.

We didn't get a chance at any more nice weather last year, so the bikes got weatherized and bedded down for a nice winter's nap!

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