Saturday, February 16, 2008

Ride To Poopy's

It's the middle of February, and from the weatherman's report it doesn't sound like it will be warming up any time soon! We may even be getting some freezing rain tonight. I just keep thinking March is right around the corner.

I've put together a photo slide show of our ride to Poopy's last November. I'd never been there before, and I'd never even heard of it, but it was worth the ride. It's a popular place for bikers to ride. It is located in Savanna, Il. The worst part about the ride is the bridge that you have to cross before you get to Il. Let's just say that I am glad that I was not driving my bike that day. And I really wasn't too happy being a passenger going over that bridge either. The bridge has groves running vertical all the way across the bridge, so if you swerve even a little you could lose control. Not good. I hated that part. But, once we got to Poopy's I forgot that part of the trip, until we left...

The food at Poopy's is great, the price is right, and there's alot of it! I couldn't even begin to finish mine, so Mike did :)

Here's a link to Poopy's- check it out-

I'm really having fun putting these slide shows together, and I think I'm getting a little bit better, and faster at it. I hope you enjoy it.

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