Friday, July 10, 2009


Any one who knows me know that I have a great big heart when it comes to animals. And strays pull even harder at my heart strings. So when I got a call about a stray duck I was instantly ready to take action.

Well this is how Mike and I adopted Aflac.....

It was Thursday July 2nd, and I was at work when I heard my phone ring, but I couldn't answer it. I heard the familiar beeps when someone leaves a message but I was too busy to answer it until I was getting into the elevator to leave work. As I am riding the elevator down to the escape route I listen to my message. It's from our local vet. The message says that I need to call him because Dakota's duck is running amuck- that's the gist anyway! So I call him back and tell him that Dakota hasn't been living in Center Point for a least a month, but I'd check with him or Heather and see if they had gotten a duck that I wasn't aware of and I'd let him know what I found out. I hung up from the vet and called Heather. She said they did not have a duck but about two weeks ago a duck did show up at the apartments. So I called Doc back and let him know what I had found out.

Well, nw my curiosity was getting the better of me, so I decided that I'd stop by the apartments and see if I could find this duck. Doc told me that one of the neighbors was complaining about the duck and that's how he found about it because he is "animal control" for Center Point.

I got to Center Point, drove to the apartments where Dakota had lived, and stopped at the neighbors house (they were sitting on their deck). I didn't see the duck at first, then they pointed him/her out. They already had a name for the duck "Aflac". I spent the next half hour trying to get Aflac to come up to me. I got pretty close with the help of some bread that the neighbors had given me. I ran out of time and told them that I would be back within the next couple of days to get Aflac. They even said that they would set out a dog kennel and see if they could capture Aflac. ..

I left with the agreement that I would be back on Saturday to retrieve Affie. Well, the next day was Friday and Mike and I had planned to go riding but instead decided we better rescue Affie. So we set up a temporary pen and drove up to the apartments to get Affie. A cage had been set out for him but Affie was no where near it! He or she (we still don’t know the sex). Affie was in some scrubs. We ended up catching him/her with a net, packed him in the cage and loaded him in the truck to go to his new home.

Mike and I got him in his new pen and Mike went up to the local grain elevator and bought some cracked corn for Affie to eat. We soon found out that he likes dog food better than corn!

Affie’s pen is connected to the kennel that Shadow and Cheyenne share. At first the dogs barked and barked at Affie. It didn’t take long before they all got used to each other and now they don’t pay any attention to each other!

We’ve now had Affie for a couple of weeks. We rescued him on July 3rd, 2009. We are now trying to decide what we should do with Affie. I have a couple of people who are interested in taking Affie. My former boss’ son has 6 ducks and they said that they could take one more! I’m just not sure he will be welcomed by all those ducks. And then Lynn from the Livery Stable said that she would take Affie. She has one chicken left on the farm and she thinks they would be great friends. Then there is the selfish part of me who says I want to keep Affie and maybe I should just get another duck….. more to come.

July 17th- We started a fire in our wood burning fireplace because it was cold in the house! Tonight could break the records!

July 18th- We got the footings for my barn poured today! We rented a buggy in case the cement truck wasn't able to get to the barn and it was a good thing because he pulled in and it looked like it was going to be okay and then he hit a spot that was really soft and he sunk. The good thing was that when we unloaded the cement he was able to back right out! Thank God!

I had gone into the house to check on the pizza I had put in for our lunch and when I went back down to the check on how far Mike and Mike had come on the footings, Asia wanted to come. I wasn't paying any attention to her and I happened to look over at her as she was walking on the footings! We decided to leave her "signature" prints.

Next week end we start doing the block work! It's onward and upward!

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