Saturday, July 25, 2009

Laying the Block for the Hog Barn

Mike ordered the block from King's and had set up a delivery time of 3:00 pm on Friday. I had arranged to take a couple of hours of vacation so that I could be here to meet the delivery trunk and tell them where to unload. I got home right at 3:00 and they had not arrived yet (or so I thought). At 3:20 I decided to call because no one had showed up. They told me they'd have to call me back because they were very busy and they would find out where the truck was. I decided to walk down to the garden and start picking the beans while I was waiting. I didn't hear the phone when they called back. They left a voicemail that said they had delivered the stuff at noon. And sure enough when I looked over by the piles of wood for the barn I saw the blocks. I was a little upset that I had wasted vacation time. As I inspected the piles I realized that they had put the palette with the mortar in the middle of the bricks. So this was going to require that two palettes get unloaded to be able to get to it. Yes, that was a little upsetting.
I crawled up on the palettes and covered the mortar because again there was rain in the forecast.
When Mike got home he went down to check the blocks and realized that they had only sent 5 corners not 15 like they were supposed to. No biggie I just needed to call them when they opened and have them bring me more...

We knew we were in for some more rain and possibly severe weather. When Mike let the dogs out to go potty before he went to bed he hollered at me to come out side and take some pictures of the clouds....

Around 8:00 pm last night the storm hit. We even got some hale. I was not very happy. I just can't believe the weather this summer. I am really worried about the barn- we have it covered but it is still getting moisture from the ground. I just pray to God that we will stop getting so much rain and heavy winds (at least until we get the barn up).

I got up bright and early so that I could call Kings. When I reached them at 8:00 am and explained what had happened they said they didn't deliver on Saturday. By now I'm starting to get a little upset. I explain that this project is only able to be worked on the week-ends and I need the corners TODAY. I can't remember the guys name, but he did find someone to deliver the blocks to me!

I still hadn't heard from nephew Mike so I tried calling him and got no answer. I tried again around 9:00. Still no answer so I called Mike L - he has to work the next two or three week-ends ( it's move out time at Kirkwood and everyone has to work alot of hours to get the apartments ready for the next group to move in) at Kirkwood and I wanted him to drive over to nephew Mike's shop (its' just down the road from Kirkwood) to see if he was there. Nephew Mike's phone doesn't get good reception at the shop and he doesn't always get his phone calls. So Mike went over there, called me back and said he wasn't there.

Kylie my grand niece had come over last night to spend the night and help out. Since we didn't know if nephew Mike was going to show up we decided to make Zucchini Bread. As we were mixing up the dough the delivery driver from King's called and said he would be at the house in a few minutes. I went out and helped him unload the blocks in the driveway. When we were done I tried to call nephew Mike again. I finally reached him- he had just gotten up! The storm that hit last night knocked out his power and his alarm clock never went off! He said he was on his way!

Nephew Mike arrived shortly after noon and we began the preparation for laying the block. Eventually the first blocks were laid....

Kylie was a big help today. She was our gofer today! Whenever we needed anything she would get it for us!

We had great weather today! We wrapped it up around 5:00 and will continue tomorrow!

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