Monday, September 7, 2009

Another Change Of Plans

I got to operate the big fork lift yesterday! Since it was just Mike and I working today I had to lift Mike up to the top of the barn while he put on siding. I was pretty nervous the first couple of times I had to lift him up and down!
As we put the siding on the West side we realized that the siding needed a lot of repair to be able to seal it up tight. I had already decided that the front (East side) was going to be done in new siding. After some talking we decided that as much as we hated to not be able to save the old siding that in the long run it would be the best option. We won't pull of the siding we already put up, we will just install over the top of it.

We planned on taking a short motorcycle ride today after we worked on the steps for the loft but when Mike tried to start his bike it wouldn't start- the battery was dead! So we didn't get to go for a ride today.
Here are some photos of the steps:

Here are some photos from yesterday:

Mike carried Asia up to the loft so she could look around.

This is a view of my Garden Shed from the loft.

Mike relaxing in the loft!

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