Sunday, September 27, 2009

The Gazette Pays Us A Visit And I Started Moving In!

I had contacted The Gazette in June and asked them if they were interested in a barn story. They said they were and since that time they have sent several photographers out to document the demolition and reconstruction of my barn. Dave from the Gazette came out on Friday to gather details of project last Friday! I hope this sparks a public interest and awareness of our barn history here in Iowa. I know Dave will write an awesome article!
I began moving into my loft studio on Saturday! Mike strung some lights for me and also brought down some portable lights on a stand. We strung a cord to the house and I had power! The solar panels won't get put on this year so I will have to improvise! I brought down the radio and I was set!
I wanted to start working on my window design and since the window is huge (54" x 42") I decided that I should create it as close to where it will be placed as I could. Mike helped me set up a make shift table with saw horses and plywood- hey it works!
This past week Mike had contacted a gentleman who repairs windows and asked him to start saving glass for me. We were both surprised when Mike got a call from him that he had glass for me and that Mike could pick it up! To my surprise there was about 8 large pieces of glass!
After I finished gathering my glass work tools and setting up shop I began drawing out the web design. I then cut the paper pieces. I then used the paper patterns to trace out the design on the glass and then started cutting my pieces. I had company Saturday evening. Mike and Nephew Mike sat up in the loft having a few brews while I worked. I enjoyed the company.
When Nephew Mike left Mike and I were just hanging out looking at my work when something swooped out of no where! A bat!!! He quickly realized that he was not going to be leaving with us in the way! The bat quickly retreated back up to the perlins and there he stayed. We soon decided to call it a night and when I went back down today I did not see the bat. But there are alot of places to hide and he may have been with me today as I continued working on "Charlotte's Web".
I'm pretty sure this big opening is how the bat got in!
Me working in my studio!
My web design for the West window.
I started to wrap the pieces in copper foil.
My barn owl!

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