Sunday, September 13, 2009

Week-end Progress 9 12 and 13 09

On Saturday the main accomplishment was to get the the peak got supports put on. The guys started on the perlins too. Sunday the rest of the perlins got put on and the lower South side tin got put on. As I watched the guys build the perlins I realized that I was very glad to be the "ground crew"! I have always had a great respect for the construction industry but as I watch my barn come together I am simply amazed at the craftsmanship that Silver Brother's Construction (with the help of me and Mike) have accomplished in breathing life back into this barn. I am equally amazed when I look at the way the barn was originally made using mortisse and tenon technique.
Mike L and Dylan putting on the perlins.

The second piece of steel going on the roof.

My nephew Mike and hubby sitting in my Rhino after the roofing ordeal today. Next week they promise me the roof and my cupalo-vent will be done!

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