Saturday, August 22, 2009

Adding the Sill Plate and Smoothing the floor

I woke up to the sun shinning and to Mike trying not to wake me up as he came into the bedroom to change clothes. He had been up since 3:30 am this morning so that he could go to his part time UPS job.
I got up and while I got ready for the day he laid down and snoozed for about an hour.
Mike got up and went down to start working on the wall. I had a few more things to tend to in the house before I could go down and help him. Before I could get down there he was back at the house asking me to make a trip into town for some more lumber. So off I went to Lowe's to get some lumber. It didn't take me too long to get down to the store and back.
Mike finished the insulation and the sill plate today. Then we mowed- I did the field and he did the front yard. I also had to do some weeding in the gardens. Later in the day Mike got the Skid Loader out and started smoothing the floor of the barn.
Tomorrow my nephew Mike will be up to help us as we start to put up the beams! On Thursday as I was shopping at the Livery Stable, John (owner) said that he and Mr. Schlicht (my High School Biology Teacher) would be interested in helping us when we started to put the bents up! That will be a tremendous help to us!

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