Monday, August 17, 2009

Saying Good-bye to Our Beloved Hound

Today we said good-bye to our beloved German Shepard Shadow who had been a huge part of our lives for the past 14 plus years. The day started out like any other day (except it was Mike's 45th birthday)- it was Monday and it was raining so I had Mike take Shadow out to the kennel for the day. The routine for many years has been to grab some bones for the dogs and take Shadow out to the Kennel to spend the day with Cheyenne. Today would end that routine. I got home before Mike and went about checking the gardens to see if anything was ready to pick. By the time I got done Mike had gotten home and was walking down to see what I was doing. Normally by the time Mike got out of the truck Shadow was greeting him with his barking. Mike commented when he got down to the garden that Shadow had gotten up but went and laid back down. I think both of us just thought he was hot (it was pretty humid) but we both thought it strange because if Mike was anywhere within sight of Shadow the wailing and barking begin- he just wanted to get out to be with Mike.

We finished in the gardens, walked back up to the garage and I went inside to get a bath. When I finished I went down to the basement and was looking for some wall paper paste when I heard Mike come in and ask me to come upstairs. I remembered thinking he sounds sad or something. I said I'd be there in a minute. When I got upstairs he had gone back outside and he told me to look at Shadow. I could clearly see that something was wrong, he would try to walk and then looe his balance. I tried to coax him toward the house. He stumbled his way to the steps. It took him a few tries but with my help he made it to the deck landing. He stood for a second and I opened the door to the house. He went in but clearly wanted to be on the porch. He went back to the porch and laid down. He never got up again. I called the Doc Troupe and he said he would come over and assist with Shadow.

As we waited for Doc to get there Mike and I sat by Shadow's side and petted him and told him how much we loved him. I got him some water and he drank a little of it. He seemed to know we were trying to help him. And we both knew he was asking us to let him go. As hard as that was for both of us we didn't want him suffering anymore. It was time to let him be free.

I took some final photos of Mike and Shadow. My favorite one is the one where Shadow had inched his way over to put both paws on Mike's legs. I truly believe this was Shadow's way of letting Mike know it was going to be okay. A nightly ritual with Shadow used to be to jump up on Mike's leg as he was sitting at the table so he could get a kiss from Mike and also to see what was on the table for supper! That was also part of the nightly ritual Mike always shared part of his supper with Shadow!

Doc finally arrived. Doc has been coming down to the house for the past several years to administer the necessary shots to the dogs because Shadow could not get in and out of the truck anymore. As soon as Doc stepped out of the truck Shadow started growling and trying to get up. He was still trying to be our guard dog till the end. Mike and I both calmed him down and I assured Shadow that Doc was just here to help him. Doc first gave Shadow a pain killer and he soon relaxed and fell asleep. We had a few minutes of reliving some memories and then it was time for the final shot and time for us to say good-bye. It took only a short time before the big old hound lay silent.

As Doc drove away, Mike walked down back and I removed Shadow's collar. As I looked at his big spiked collar I remembered the day that Mike brought it home for him! From that day forward it was the only collar he ever wore. I think he actually thought he was pretty cool with all those big spikes sticking out of it! I will wash it and put it in the drawer in Mike's night stand- this way a part of Shadow will still be sleeping by his side every night.

Mike returned and loaded Shadow in the truck for his final ride. Oh how he used to love to go for a ride. If you said the word "go" or "truck" in the same sentence look out because he was not going to stop barking until he got to go for a ride! I went in the house and got the rug that he always laid on at night so that we could wrap him in it. We decided that the "Butterfly Sanctuary" would be the perfect place for his final resting spot. Cheyenne could see him from the kennel, and we could see his grave from the downstairs window and from the bathroom window. While Mike dug Shadow's grave he asked me to go and get "kong". Kong was Shadow's only toy- the only one he ever wanted! For years another nightly ritual was for Shadow to get kong and try to get someone's attention- he wanted you to try and take it from him. It was a game of growl and tug of war! And if you weren't willing to play watch out he might just come over and plop kong right in your lap!

Finally the grave was ready and Mike gently lifted Shadow and placed him in the grave. He then took kong and put it between his paws-just the way Shadow used to hold kong as he was biting on it. I then placed the rug over him. We both said a little prayer for him.

Neither of us slept very well. I got up in the middle of the night and happened to see a star shinning in the window- and I knew he'd made his way! He was free and he could run as fast as he wanted again. God Bless you Shadow. You will forever live in our hearts. I am so glad for the time we had with you and the many memories you gave us. Rest in Peace my Shadow Badadow.

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