Sunday, August 9, 2009

Rain and More Rain

We were back at it by about 7:30 am again this morning. We were making good progress when the clouds moved in. Mike went up to the garage to check out the weather on the TV and returned to let us know that a storm was going to hit in about thirty minutes. Since Nephew Mike rode his bike he decided to leave to avoid riding in the rain.

Shortly after he left (11:30ish) as Mike and I were trying to finish up the 2nd row on the South side it hit- the temperature dropped, the winds picked up and the rain started. Luckily I had put everything that needed to be out of the rain in the back of the trailer on the ATV and Mike jumped on it and pulled it into the garage. I quickly covered the bags of mortar and headed for the garage. We were almost half way done with the second row on the South side when the storm hit.

While we were waiting for it to pass I went into the house and Mike stayed in the garage. About 40 minutes later the clouds parted and the sun came back out so we headed back down and finished the South wall.

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