Saturday, August 1, 2009

Progress on the Wall

I have been trying to find out the history of my barn so I called Mike (guy who bought the farmstead that my barn was previously located on), and he was able to put me in touch with a lady (Mary) who had grown up on the farm. I called her last Tuesday and she said she would check with her older brother and see if he remembered anything about the barn. She called me back on Friday- she had spoken with her older brother and he told her that their father had purchased the barn from someone not far from their farm. He said that they cut my barn from the foundation and moved it! He told her that he was about 10 or 12 years old (he's 69 now)and he remembers helping their father put up the foundation for my barn.

When she told me this I got chills. It is pretty amazing to me that this barn was moved once before and now many years later its being moved again! I'm calling my barn "Christina". Why you may ask - because my barn reminds me of Stephen Kings book/move "Christine"! Those of you who are fans of Stephen King will know exactly what I mean!

Mary also told me that her mother loved to take photos so she is going to try and find some of my barn!

Today while I was waiting for Mikey I made some Spaghetti Sauce from the tomatoes, onions, and peppers from my garden! This has been a bad year for tomotoes - way too much rain. I have sixty tomatoe plants but most of them are looking pretty sickly! This is the 2nd year that I have gotten heirloom tomotoes from my high school Biology teacher. Last year the sauce that I made was so good we decided that we wanted to make more this year but I'm not sure I'm going to get enough tomotoes this year. I only had enough tomatoes today to make 3 quarts- but hopefully I'll get at least 9 more quarts! It is wonderful to be able to pull a jar of my sauce from the cupboard! I made it and I know what's in it! And it taste so much better than anything you can buy from the store!

Nephew Mikey came over aroung 11:30 am and we began work on the wall again. The temperature is unbelievable for this time of year! Low 80s and a slight wind- perfect weather for working outside. As we were working a baby bunny showed up. He/she kept running around the foundation looking for a safe place to hide. Mike finally caught the little guy and put him in the pen with Affie. We went to check on him/her after we were finished working and couldn't find the bunnie.

Here are some photos of our progress today:

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