Sunday, August 16, 2009

The Block Foundation is Done!

8-15-09 (Saturday) Mike and I worked all day on the foundation. We got all the block work done, and about 1/3 of the fill done. We were both exhausted by the end of the day. I have a great respect for people who do this sort of work everyday for a living. It's a lot of work and wear and tear on one's body! And even though I've been wearing gloves my hands are dry and cracking- I need this part to be done! Mike and I both have this coming Friday off and we plan on finishing the fill on the foundation. Please no more rain!

I added a penny that I found when we first went to look at the barn to the foundation (for luck), a 2009 quarter (for the year we got the barn), and a 1962 penny for me (the year I was born). Now I just need to find a 1964 penny to add to the foundation for the year Mike was born.
On a different note- Mike and I began harvesting our potatoes Friday night! We only have the first row dug and already have three huge baskets of potatoes! I just love this part of gardening!
Here's a couple of pics of the wall- now you can see where the doorways will be!

8-16-09 (Sunday)
When we got up today it was raining so no work is getting done on the foundation today. It was probably a good thing we are both pretty tired from yesterday. I think Affie is the only one who is loving all this rain. I decided to take the opportunity to do some more canning. I made four quarts of Chili Starter. And since Mike's birthday is tomorrow I made him a Peach Cobbler since he's not really fond of cake! I also made a casserole with our fresh produce from the garden including our potatoes for supper tonight. I also made two loaves of Zucchini Bread with Zucchini from our garden!
This afternoon the sun came out so Mike mowed and I worked on the weeds in my Strawberry Patch. Mike tried to work on smoothing out the inside floor of the barn but our skid loader is low on fluid and wasn't turning very well so he decided to wait to finish.

Well, another weekend over! Back to our real jobs tomorrow...

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