Friday, August 21, 2009

The Foundation is Done!!!!

Mike and I both had a vacation day today so as soon as he got home from working his part time UPS job we began working on the wall. It was about 8:00 am. The forecast called for rain and it was cold for August. We worked until around 11:00 and that's when the rain became a steady stream. We had been working in a drizzle most of the morning, but when it started raining harder we packed up and went up to the garage to see what the radar looked like. The radar showed that rain was pretty much covering us but the forecaster said that it should be clearing around 1:00 pm. We got some lunch and by 1:00 pm it was still raining. We both ended up taking a little snooze while watching TV. Oscar, our cat decided he'd take a snooze on me as I reclined in my chair. I woke up because Oscar was sitting on top of my chest and after a while thirteen pounds sitting on your chest gets a little uncomfortable. By this time the sun was back out and we headed back outside to work on the core fill.
Bucket after bucket.....both of us feeling it in our backs, but we kept going. Finally around 7:00 pm the last hole was filled!!! I can't tell you how glad I am that the cement work is done!

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