Saturday, August 29, 2009

Three Bents Are UP!

Nephew Mike, two of his crew, and Mike begin raising the bents today. Work started around 8:30 am. The sun was shinning but the temps were very cool- it feels like fall already.

It took about 3 hours to get the first bent in place. It was a trial and error game as the guys figured out where to put the straps so they could maneuver the big frame work. At one point the machine we rented to help lift the beams in place almost got stuck. With some creative thinking they got in "unstuck" and moved to a dryer section of the yard to work.

After taking a quick break for lunch they were back at it. The pictures below show the progress. By quitting time three of the bents were in place. Tomorrow work continues to put the last bent in place and I think they will start working on the flooring for the loft.

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