Tuesday, August 25, 2009

The Bents

Mike and his crew arrived a little after 7:00 am this morning to begin working on the barn. There was a chance of rain but it held off while they were working. When Mike and I got home from work the crew had put together the 4 main bents! We were very impressed- that was alot of work. Nephew had called us earlier in the day and asked us what we wanted to do with the repair on some of the beams. We decided to "band-aide" the beams to keep them original. Considering the barn is probably 100 years old we know that it's not going to be perfect. That's what is so beautiful about the barn!

As I write this entry (it's about 7:00 pm) it definately feels and looks like rain. I can hear the thunder. I think the crew made the right choice by deciding to hold off on working on the barn until Thursday.

Mike called around today and rented a high reach a 6k High Reach Fork Lift to be delivered on Thursday so that the crew can begin putting the bents in place.

The pile of wood is getting smaller!

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